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ghasan marais
May 01, 2024
In General Discussion
I would like to highlight that this Lifestyle i am entering into has Potential Health Concerns For YOURSELF based on your already Over indulged Lifestyle of various Foods, Habits like Smoking , drinking alcohol and various drugs and prescription medications.
I have been preparing my Mind , my Body and my lifestyle for this Change for 8 Months By removing the need to Smoke tabacco and weed, I have removed the need for consumption of alcohol , i have removed the need to consume large amounts of FOODS .I have firstly changed my MIND set by removing certian stresses of life including MONEY , constant WORK responsabilities , social interactions that distracts my mind and MOST important Found a desire to seek GOD by changing the MIND and the secondary effect of this removed the Opportunity of coming into contact with tabacco, alcohol, weed, energy drinks etc .Secondly i changed my BODY by reducing the intake of FOODS to only 1 meal a day and Loads of WATER throughout the DAY. Finally i changed my LIFESTYLE into HOW GOD wants us to live by FORGIVING and removing hatred from my heart , reducing SEX , Realising that GOD is control and we have NO choice at ALL about what happens in our life's and I stopped WORRYING .
What am i about to start doing
A water based lifestyle is where i will be ONLY consuming WATER for all my nutrient NEEDS ,expect The SUN that is needed for Vitamin D ."GOD inspired" means i will only consume those things that is available on EARTH that does not Prohibit a organism to STOP to LIVE . Example All fruit containing seeds , the flesh of the fruit is required to serve the seed to GROW into another Fruit tree and provide OXYGON for us as children of GOD to LIVE. Animals make other animals and they are allowed to eat plants and other animals. When we as humans eat the things animals eat then WE become ANIMALS .WE are Children of GOD and we can Have thoughts of GOD , this makes us different from animals.
Progress So Far
Today 1st of MAY 2024 is the start of 100% WATER only as my FOOD , i will Keep on updating this POST to record my Daily ,weekly ,monthly Progress mostly spiritual Progress to describe how i feel within my SOUL . Physically i have already changed from wearing a size 38 waist pants and currently i am 34 maybe 32 Not sure i just know that all my 36 waist pants is falling down. The hungerness is not affecting me much due to preparation, I don't do a lot of physical activities and is mostly motionless ,playing guitar . My wife is NOT supportive of this lifestyle change and Test me on a daily basis .The MONEY issue is not affecting me Much and the wife Has started to worry of the future .GOD has provided for my family EVERYDAY and i have 0% Doubt in my Father GOD.
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ANXELS & Friends,
ghasan marais
Apr 08, 2024
In General Discussion
This message has been revealed to me by GOD , the ONLY reason is because I have overcome all hatred in my heart for every person I have hated and GOD lives inside of me Now. This ability is available to any human being who Really have been Born again by our Father GOD. NB the cursive text is additions from the Original Post ,this confirms wisdom is being revealed to me when i allow myself to be still
The 2 previous messages I posted is the 2 forms of How GOD communicate with Us .
a Revelation from GOD expressed in the "including GOD in EVERYTHING" Post and then remembering past memories from the first MAN , ADAM.
Both of these abilities can be experienced when YOU be still and Know GOD.
Upon further meditation I have come to realize that GOD will only reveal 1 x revelation per person and 1 x portion of past memories , It has become possible for Me now to unravel the wisdom from GOD because I am born Again and My Thoughts Have become My own Thoughts. The only desire I have now is to guide more People to GOD and also to find my fellow born again brothers and sisters.
ghasan marais
Apr 08, 2024
In General Discussion
This message has been revealed to me by GOD , the ONLY reason is because I have overcome all hatred in my heart for every person I have hated and GOD lives inside of me Now. This ability is available to any human being who Really have been Born again by our Father GOD.
How to include GOD in every aspect of LIFE ,business and Country
GOD revealed this 3 principles to me
ALL Leaders ,Management , employees and ALL members of a marriage ,organisation and Country Must overcome hatred for all people by forgiving everyone they hate, this is how to become BORN AGIAN and this is HOW GOD will FORGIVE YOU for the SINS of ADAM & EVE
ALL leaders, management, employees and ALL members of a marriage ,organisation and country Must Glorify GOD in everything they do example ,social media Post ,speeches ,advertising campaigns etc.
Everyone that JOINS your GODLY marriage, organisation and Country Must behave in a GODLY manner example a wife within a marriage ,users of your NFT marketplace, users of your Podcast , foreign nationals from other countries.
To expand on point 3, GOD is GOD , YOUR religion is not GOD and in all religions its possible to find GOD with a simple gesture of loving everyone regardless of what they do to you.
What All this means is that everything you do Must have the goal of Guiding people closer to GOD and when everyone believe in the same GOD and has the same principles they live By .We will surely have WORLD PEACE and all businesses will be successful because EVERYONE will SUPPORT EVERYONE
ghasan marais
Apr 08, 2024
In General Discussion
This message has been revealed to me by GOD , the ONLY reason is because I have overcome all hatred in my heart for every person I have hated and GOD lives inside of me Now. This ability is available to any human being who Really have been Born again by our Father GOD. NB the cursive text is additions I added on to the original text and it's only because I become distracted and forget ,it is still wisdom from GOD that was obtained when i become still
The truth about marriage and sex:
ADAM is lucifer the angel that was cast out of Heaven and Hell is Earth . Lilleth was cast out together with Lucifer(ADAM) and that is HOW they became the first Humans. GOD then transformed the Angel to have all the normal biological traits of a Human and that Is how Humans is Cursed because they have to eat, sleep, etc and most importantly have Sex to populate the Earth. We humans of today has that same spirit of lucifer living inside of Us ,that makes us hate, be jealous, be sad,be angry because Lucifer hated GOD and he wanted to be GOD. Pretending to be GOD is the ONLY SIN .
In the beginning when GOD created MAN (ADAM) he also Created a woman ,this can be where the story of lilleth comes from. GOD revealed to me that Eve is the daughter of Adam and when Eve grew to sexual maturity the jealousy towards Lilleth for not having a sexual partner to have sex with caused anger in Eve and she killed Lilleth .ADAM was the first MAN of GOD and could not have sex with his own daughter EVE as he had No anger inside of him.
ADAM was then forced to have sex with EVE to create more humans and this is the fall of MAN when ADAM listened to EVE to have sex with her. GOD's plan of creating a MAN for EVE was stopped and this is SIN , when we as humans Pretent to be GOD and play GOD. GOD did not curse MAN , it was MAN who cursed himself and is still in that cursed state of Mind untill today unless he/she becomes born again from GOD and all this will be revealed to YOU.
The Children of ADAM(Lucifer) and Eve was Cain and Abel and Just to Show how much more Cursed humans can become , Cain murdered Abel so He can have sex with Eve as there was no other Females available and the generational Curse just Carries on ,Over and Over again Because this Earth we live on is the cursed Lands called Hell unless we Overcome hatred and be born again of GOD to break the generational Curse we were Born into. GOD is LOVE and Even Though we are born Cursed ,He Still Loves every human because we were created in his images like how ADAM and Lilleth was Angels from Heaven. This is the reason Jesus was sent to earth to be sacrificed for our Sin of hatred .Jesus was born of a virgin and through the Act of Sex and that is how he become Pure .Jesus is the son of GOD and only he was able to Do miracles and heal humans ,GOD can only channel his power through a Pure Being. Jesus is not GOD . The revelation from the bible tells of the return of Jesus and this will only happen when All humans have been born again .This goes with my added text in the "How GOD communicate" Post ,GOD reveals 1 x revelation per born again human .
What this reveals to us Now is that when we having sex out of a marriage or even inside of a marriage is the spiritual FACT that we spiritually having sex with our spiritual daughter .Marriage is ordained by GOD and he brings a MAN and WOMAN together but You must be born again in order to be a REAL MAN and WOMAN of GOD to understand When you have sex YOU are sinning against GOD but you have already been forgiven DUE to the process of BORN AGAIN and YOU will understand that SEX in marriage is to create BABIES ONLY and not for pleasure.
In my own marriage GOD has revealed to me this by seeing how my own WIFE behaves towards sex, She would always tell me when I was looking at her lustfully that she feels degusted and even during sex at times .Recently due to be awakening when we did have sex ,I would look at her during her orgasms and it made me feel like something is not Right and what I was doing is WRONG . This can be associated to the fact that I have a daughter with my wife and i understand how much more I should take care of her as a FATHER .Also recently my wife is displaying signs of having the mindset of a Daughter ,she would ask me for advice for simple things as a daughter
ghasan marais
Apr 03, 2024
In General Discussion
ghasan marais
Apr 03, 2024
In General Discussion
ghasan marais
Apr 02, 2024
In General Discussion
This afternoon i had a surprise visit from my brother in law and He was all hyped Up about a new Annunaki Video that he watched on Youtube and He just needed to tell someone and I am the only person thats really gonna listen to him .The point im trying to make is ,that THC should have that weekly live shows available so that those who need a space to vent Can vent by speaking live instead of just writing it down in a forum like this .New people who starts Really thinking for themself need people like Nova and jason to explain to them to Freaking Relax LOL and how to process all this information .Even if it doesnt make financial sense or time sense to keep talking live to 10 x people ,the thing is THC need to be prepared for the influx of new people when that time comes and THC need to be available to listen to those New THINKERS
ghasan marais
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